Integrative Leadership Strategies
leadership INSIGHTS
How to Start Doing Team Debriefs
If debrief conversations have not been a standard part of how you've run your team, it can be awkward to get started.
Are You ‘Othering’ Your Own Teammates?
Effective leadership requires a higher mind to override this and engage with that teammate from a place of full respect for their sovereignty as an individual, the validity of their perspective, and ultimately the relatability of their experience.
Torn Between an Email or Meeting for that Difficult Conversation? Try this Instead.
If your torn between writing and email or having a meeting around a difficult conversation - this third option may work for you.
Working with the Elephant in the Room
Talking about complex issues is essential to navigating slowly toward a resolution.
Using the Enneagram to Understand and Empower Your Team
As leaders, we are always looking for ways to improve team dynamics, and I encourage you to consider exploring the Enneagram. It might be the tool you need!
Understanding only comes with Exposure, but be Careful
Vulnerability we demonstrate when we allow others to know us more deeply brings both exposure and understanding.
A Challenge for You: Can You be Warm & Clear at the Same Time?
A huge part of leadership is communicating well -- getting your message across effectively.
Three Clues You’re Not Creating Psychological Safety
How can a leader know if they are creating a psychologically safe environment? That is an environment where members of your team can say what needs to be said to you or to the team as a whole.
Are You Taking Your Colleagues Personally?
In leadership development, navigating interpersonal dynamics plays a key role and so much of the angst I see in my leadership coaching clients is because they are taking the actions of their colleagues personally.
Offer Your Two Cents with ‘COIN’
Use the COIN method to offer feedback to your teams in a way that’s separated from the emotion of the situation.