Integrative Leadership Strategies
leadership INSIGHTS
Why it’s Worth your Time to Communicate Up
Communicating up is a key part of managing up. However, it can feel like an extraneous task to write an email or put a deck together for work that is already done.
Are You Taking Your Colleagues Personally?
In leadership development, navigating interpersonal dynamics plays a key role and so much of the angst I see in my leadership coaching clients is because they are taking the actions of their colleagues personally.
Offer Your Two Cents with ‘COIN’
Use the COIN method to offer feedback to your teams in a way that’s separated from the emotion of the situation.
Change or Die - How Leaders can Navigate this Ever-Present Mandate
Welcome misalignment so that you can work as a team to build the necessary shared understanding to allow for progress toward the change.
Three Steps for Leaders to Build a Culture of Feedback
There is so much we could learn from each other, if only we could say it. If you want to increase the ability in your organization for your people to share their valuable perspectives, there are three steps you can take starting today.
How to Identify Your Team’s Values (it’s not what you think)
Leaders, if you're planning to do a values exercise with your team, you'll get the most accurate answer to the question "what are our values?" not by making a lofty list of what the team might value in a utopian workplace, but by looking at actual recent team behavior.
Saying No with Grace and Tact
Many leaders I work with, especially women, struggle with how to say no to a request at work. In coaching we learn how to say no, with grace and tact in a way that prevents the leader from feeling like they damaged the relationship.
What People Managers Need to know
Often people managers who got to where they are thanks to their technical proficiency have received little to no training on managing people. CHART is an acronym that will help new or untrained people managers understand what they need to know.
Seven Keys to Managing Up
If you struggle to relate to, feel comfortable with, approach or understand your boss, the following seven keys may help you manage ‘up’.
What to do When Your Employee Wants a Promotion
How to respond to an employee who wants a promotion involves integrative thinking, understanding their real need, and acknowledging their strengths.