Integrative Leadership Strategies
leadership INSIGHTS
Is Your Transition Tactful or Timid?
Transitions often move from known to unknown. Often they bring us from old and stale to new and exciting. Some transitions, though, aren’t so welcome.
Shifting Your Leadership Style from Control to Influence
You can’t control your team, but you can create an environment that supports them.
How to Bring Stability to your Team
You can’t prevent the changes, but you can give the team the foundational cohesion to process and integrate the changes.
Working with the Elephant in the Room
Talking about complex issues is essential to navigating slowly toward a resolution.
These Two Words Can Get You UnStuck
If you've ever procrastinated (which we all have at one time or another) then you'll probably recognize this advice as part of the key that got you 'over the hump.'
Crossing the Chasm
One powerful tool used in coaching is the metaphor, which offers not only a visual but a description to point to in order to more fully understand an experience.
Using the Enneagram to Understand and Empower Your Team
As leaders, we are always looking for ways to improve team dynamics, and I encourage you to consider exploring the Enneagram. It might be the tool you need!
Your Path to Higher Ground (using the Enneagram)
The Enneagram framework is a sensemaking tool that classifies human personality into nine basic types. These types describe how individuals see the world and what motivates them.
Let the Clouds Float By
The discipline of letting your thoughts float by like clouds can help you gain insight into creating distance between your true self and what you tell yourself.
Stifled by My Own Ambition
I remember a handful of times this spring when I connected with colleagues about feeling overwhelmed by the workload. I joked that I was "stifled by my own ambition" as a way to articulate that I brought this on myself. The ironic image evokes laughter because the words seem incongruous. Why would anyone stifle themselves?