Integrative Leadership Strategies
leadership INSIGHTS
What To Do When You Can't Get Anything Done
As I waited this week for the creative burst that usually comes in order to write to you, I eventually realized it wasn’t going to happen. My anxiety about the post-election drama is thwarting my creativity. I can feel how there is no room in my brain for new energy and ideas. So this post is about what I did instead.
Paradox and Leadership: A Client Story
I live for the 'ah ha' moments and new connections made in the intimacy of a one-on-one coaching conversation. I want to share a story from a session this week because I think it has broad value. Let's see if I can articulate it well, because when I'm in the moment with a client it feels so real and so important, but later it's often hard to put words to.
Your Leadership Roles as a Manager
Last week I wrote about three important coaching skills, and mentioned it was important to know when you even should step into a coaching role with a direct report. Coaching is just one role you exercise as a manager; there are others of course.
3 Important Coaching Skills for Managers
Coaching is about facilitating a conversation that allows the client to access their best thinking, make new connections, and be empowered to take new action that will move them closer to a goal or unstuck from a problem. Coaching is a skill that managers can employ to engage their direct reports.
Can You Be Your Own Best Friend?
These are harried times. The home and work boundaries are blurred and among my clients and burnout is looming just around the corner. We hear a lot about self-care and that conjures up images of massages and treating oneself to something special. But it’s the fabric of our daily existence that needs care.
My Boundaries Are For Me
I have to admit, for the longest time, I didn't really 'get' what people meant when they talked about boundaries. It's not that I didn't have any; I just couldn't wrap my head around a clear, concise definition for the word and didn't have clarity on what, conceptually, having healthy boundaries meant.
What Is Your Question?
Powerful questions have been a theme of coaching since I first got trained as a professional coach in 2007. In my coaching school there was an entire course dedicated to the skill of questioning. Powerful questions can allow the client to gain new understanding and clarity about issues around which they’ve been stuck.
Learning to Live in Limbo
My husband and I recently had a few uncomfortable days while we worked through a dispute with our contractor. He had sent us the final bill for our renovation and it included a few surprises that we were pushing back on.
Are You Taking Enough Breaks?
Recently I coached a client and we talked about taking breaks. As I was listening “between the lines,” I sensed that this person was working too hard, keeping their head down way longer than was useful to stay focused and efficient.
One Tiny Upgrade You Can Make to Your Meetings
I’m leading a webinar tomorrow called Mastering Great Meetings, so meetings are on my mind today. And if you know me, you know that being a professional facilitator makes me a true snob when attending other people’s meetings!