Integrative Leadership Strategies

leadership INSIGHTS

Liz Myers Liz Myers

A New Frame for “Balance”

I have never really resonated with the word "balance," as in work-life balance. It brought to mind a judicial scale where the two areas that were supposed to be in balance were in opposition. For me, reality felt more integrated than that.

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Liz Myers Liz Myers

Breaking the Cycle of Busyness

Last Friday night, I was cooking dinner. The news was playing on the smart speaker, the kids were playing downstairs. I was scrolling through my phone while cooking, cycling between LinkedIn, Facebook and two email accounts.

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Strategy Liz Myers Strategy Liz Myers

Radical Empathy

Radical empathy is the term I use to remind myself of the skill of employing empathy in the hardest circumstances. Empathy is about putting ourselves in someone else's shoes and imagining what it is like to be them within their circumstantial context. We may not naturally do this when that 'other' is on opposite sides of an issue from us.

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Liz Myers Liz Myers

Add Structure to Your Meetings

Meetings are a tricky topic to teach. My sense is that the advice I give sounds so simple and straightforward that it is underestimated in its power to make a huge difference. I’ll keep trying, though!

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Liz Myers Liz Myers

How to Actually 'Do' Win-Win

Last week, a client had a good question for me. They had been reading Stephen Covey's leadership classic, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and were wondering about the chapter titled "Think Win-Win". The concept made sense to them, but they were curious on my thoughts on how to actually get to win-win outcomes in a group with competing interests.

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Liz Myers Liz Myers

Here's Why You Should Create a Winter Project List

Over the long Thanksgiving weekend, I spent Friday listlessly puttering around the house. My emotional state was a mix of despair at all the free unstructured time, as well as guilt; wasn't free time the thing I have been asking for?

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Liz Myers Liz Myers

The Role of Feelings at Work

It can be confusing and uncomfortable to wade through our negative feelings at work and come out the other side in a constructive way. But feelings have something important to tell us, if we can capture their wisdom and not let them derail us.

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