Integrative Leadership Strategies
leadership INSIGHTS
What Type of Team Do You Have?
Teams come together for various operational reasons. Knowing why you bring your team together will help clarify its purpose and motivate members to bring their best.
Leaders: You Can’t Just Talk About it Once
Leaders, if you want to encourage your team to develop in a certain way, gain a certain skill, or create some other change, you can't just talk about it once.
Why it’s Worth your Time to Communicate Up
Communicating up is a key part of managing up. However, it can feel like an extraneous task to write an email or put a deck together for work that is already done.
Change or Die - How Leaders can Navigate this Ever-Present Mandate
Welcome misalignment so that you can work as a team to build the necessary shared understanding to allow for progress toward the change.
How to Identify Your Team’s Values (it’s not what you think)
Leaders, if you're planning to do a values exercise with your team, you'll get the most accurate answer to the question "what are our values?" not by making a lofty list of what the team might value in a utopian workplace, but by looking at actual recent team behavior.
What to do When Your Employee Wants a Promotion
How to respond to an employee who wants a promotion involves integrative thinking, understanding their real need, and acknowledging their strengths.
One Way to Make your Personal Changes Stick
If you're working on being a better human and leader, my recommendation is to share your intentions with your colleagues and team members. Don’t let this be a covert mission.
Facilitation Essential #2: Ask Clear Questions
Many leaders find running meetings to be uncomfortable especially when they are trying to be collaborative and inclusive.
Facilitation Essential #1: Vocal Signposting
Vocal Signposting is essential for meeting facilitation.
The Downside of Having an Open Discussion
"Let's just have an open discussion!" This is a well-intentioned statement that we hear a lot in teams.
There are a couple ways it could go wrong, though.
Let’s start with this: what do we even mean by 'open'? The intent of calling an open discussion “open” is to encourage participants to share openly. But it also tends to refer to the process, or way the forum is conducted, like 'open mike,' and there’s rarely full openness in what is shared.