Integrative Leadership Strategies

leadership INSIGHTS

Communication, Mindset, Teams Liz Myers Communication, Mindset, Teams Liz Myers

What it Takes for a Leader to Maintain Alignment

A big part of leadership development is building the courage to authentically and constructively speak our minds in order to build and maintain alignment with others. Effective leaders highly value the need to maintain alignment. That means asking early for clarification and greater understanding, before the little unclear things are allowed to fester.

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Teams Liz Myers Teams Liz Myers

You Don't Have to Give Up Power in Order to Empower

If the buck stops with you, how do you reconcile with the fact that you want your people to own their role and feel empowered to use their creative thinking within that role? I've got good news: you do not have to give up your power in order to grant power to others.

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Communication, Teams Liz Myers Communication, Teams Liz Myers

Want the Truth? Ask This Question

Are your group or team conversations truly reflecting the full range of thinking happening inside the heads of those in the room? It needs to if you are to truly harness the collective intelligence potential that is greater than the smartest people in the room would be alone. (And this is not a given, by the way.)

There is one question you can ask that will help you actually hear the truth right then and there from the people who have information or perspectives that you can't yet see.

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Teams, Communication Liz Myers Teams, Communication Liz Myers

Why Leaders Don't Ask for Input

Even though being inclusive is a popular leadership trait these days, there are still reasons that leaders don't ask for input. Whether you're a leader feeling hesitant about seeing what everyone thinks of your idea, or you're an individual contributor wondering why your leader never asks, here are my thoughts.

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