Integrative Leadership Strategies
leadership INSIGHTS
How Leaders can Coach Through Change
As a leader, you can use coaching skills to more effectively engage those around you. One of the primary ways that a coach supports someone is through change. I'm going to share a change framework with you called ACT.
Inclusion, Introduced
Inclusion is the sincere and explicit invitation to join.
You can see, in the definition alone, the proactive nature of valuing inclusion. I picture extending a hand, metaphorically speaking.
Equity, Elucidated
At the heart of equity lies fairness. Having equity among a group means everyone in that group has what they need to have a fair chance at the same opportunities.
Diversity, Defined
Diversity refers to the range of human differences - in any and all human differences.
Is DEI in your Business Progressive Wokeism, or is it Good Business Sense?
Is DEI progressive wokeism or is it good business sense?
Map Your Organization in a New Way
When it comes to organizational mapping, a rings diagram allows more a more dynamic view of your teams.
The Magic of Holding a Council Process
Have you heard of council process? It’s when teams come together to share their thoughts one at a time. Read more about it here.
Employ Your Outer C.E.O to Problem Solve with Others
We’ve previously discussed our inner C.E.O. but we also have an outer C.E.O. that helps us to lead problem solving efforts with others.
Employ Your Inner C.E.O to Problem Solve Best
When I think about the effective problem solvers whom I know, three characteristics bubble to the top as being responsible for why their problem solving is effective.
Facilitation Essential #3: How to Intervene
One of the most important jobs you have when running a meeting is to keep the group on track towards the meeting’s intended outcomes.