Integrative Leadership Strategies
leadership INSIGHTS
Your Path to Higher Ground (using the Enneagram)
The Enneagram framework is a sensemaking tool that classifies human personality into nine basic types. These types describe how individuals see the world and what motivates them.
Let the Clouds Float By
The discipline of letting your thoughts float by like clouds can help you gain insight into creating distance between your true self and what you tell yourself.
Stifled by My Own Ambition
I remember a handful of times this spring when I connected with colleagues about feeling overwhelmed by the workload. I joked that I was "stifled by my own ambition" as a way to articulate that I brought this on myself. The ironic image evokes laughter because the words seem incongruous. Why would anyone stifle themselves?
Leaders: You Can’t Just Talk About it Once
Leaders, if you want to encourage your team to develop in a certain way, gain a certain skill, or create some other change, you can't just talk about it once.
How the Pandemic Changed My Perspective on Teamwork
We weren't just attending "another meeting" out of obligation, but instead, we made a conscious choice to be invested with a clear, mutual, and relevant purpose.
Are You Taking Your Colleagues Personally?
In leadership development, navigating interpersonal dynamics plays a key role and so much of the angst I see in my leadership coaching clients is because they are taking the actions of their colleagues personally.
Offer Your Two Cents with ‘COIN’
Use the COIN method to offer feedback to your teams in a way that’s separated from the emotion of the situation.
How to Identify Your Team’s Values (it’s not what you think)
Leaders, if you're planning to do a values exercise with your team, you'll get the most accurate answer to the question "what are our values?" not by making a lofty list of what the team might value in a utopian workplace, but by looking at actual recent team behavior.
Elevate Your Year: The Power of Habit Stacking
Connecting your new habit directly to something you already do in your daily routine increases the likelihood you will follow through with it.
Increase Serendipity in Your Problem Solving
We don't realize how often our questions stay in the realm of answers we already think we have.