Integrative Leadership Strategies

leadership INSIGHTS

Communication, Meetings Liz Myers Communication, Meetings Liz Myers

The Downside of Having an Open Discussion

"Let's just have an open discussion!" This is a well-intentioned statement that we hear a lot in teams.

There are a couple ways it could go wrong, though.

Let’s start with this: what do we even mean by 'open'? The intent of calling an open discussion “open” is to encourage participants to share openly. But it also tends to refer to the process, or way the forum is conducted, like 'open mike,' and there’s rarely full openness in what is shared.

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Communication, Teams Liz Myers Communication, Teams Liz Myers

Want the Truth? Ask This Question

Are your group or team conversations truly reflecting the full range of thinking happening inside the heads of those in the room? It needs to if you are to truly harness the collective intelligence potential that is greater than the smartest people in the room would be alone. (And this is not a given, by the way.)

There is one question you can ask that will help you actually hear the truth right then and there from the people who have information or perspectives that you can't yet see.

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