Integrative Leadership Strategies

leadership INSIGHTS

Strategy Liz Myers Strategy Liz Myers

Are Goals Necessary for Leadership Development?

Goals — those specific, measurable achievements that you can check off your list and relish in the accomplishment of. Why bother setting them? What's the point? 

I'm going to tell you something you might not believe. The purpose of having a goal is not to achieve that goal. 

What is the purpose of a goal then?

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Communication Liz Myers Communication Liz Myers

Using Humor for Transparent Change

It's difficult to change when we're around people who know the 'old' us. You might relate to this when you think about being around your parents or siblings as you've developed your own life as an adult. If you're a leader working with the same people, how can you evolve and become different?

Leaders can use humor to embrace changes as they grow personally. This can help face colleagues who otherwise might unwittingly keep them in a box.

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